
The first night of Passover this year starts Saturday night, April 12th and goes through April 20th, ending in the evening @ 08:32pm in Bettendorf.
We will be hosting a Pesach Seder on both April 12th and 13th.
Details will be sent out soon.

Sukkah Fest
Join us for a party in the sukkah! Enjoy activities such as sushi-making, petting zoos, lulav shaking, Jewish music, and more!

Sukkos/Simchas Torah
We look forward to having you visit our Sukkah. Click for holiday schedule.

Yom Kippur
Join us for a special Yom Kippur davening and Yizkor Service.
Special Break the Fast meal to follow! Click for our full schedule.

Rosh Hashanah
Wishing you a happy new year and Chag Sameach! Click for our full schedule.

Boys WITS and MTI Shabbaton
We had an awesome shabbaton with over 20 guys from our two surrounding yeshivas.

Camp Shtetl
Another awesome summer of camp! Visit our camp website for details at www.CampShtetl.com.

Camp Moshava Visit
Camp Moshava's teenage group visits the Quad Cities for a few days of farm fun!

Yom Kippur
Yom Kippur is the holiest day of the year; a time when we are closest with G-d.

MTI Boys Shabbaton
MTI Boys Bais Medrash class from St. Louis will join us for shabbos! There will be a special kiddush following shabbos davening services on Saturday in their honor. All are welcome to join.

Pizza Night!
Join us this Wednesday to enjoy some delicious kosher pizza! All proceeds of the event will go toward the Jewish Life Campus for community projects and events.

Tannenbaum Bris
The Bris Milah is the circumcision ceremony held on the eighth day of a Jewish boy’s life, when he is brought into the Jewish nation and given his Jewish name.