We hope and pray for the safety of the people in Israel.
The October 7th massacre marks the day of horror for the Jewish people. Parents, children and elderly were viciously slain. Over 200 hostages of all ages were taken captive into Gaza. We daven for their safe return. We daven for the families that have been displaced and divided. We daven for the orphans and victims. May all of klal Yisroel have a refua shelaima very soon.
Part of this healing process includes us giving to one another - sending what someone needs, praying for eachother, being a friend to someone that needs it.
עם אחד בלב אחד
Although we are here, in Iowa,
our hearts are with our brothers in Israel.
Bracelets Supporting Israel - Perhaps you’ve seen these around, special bracelets supporting Israel are being made and sold for $18. The profits are going to support Israel. Click here to get all the details!
Standing in SweatShirt Style - In addition to buying these items, whose proceeds go to helping Israel, your fashion statement is simple and bold - We❤️ Israel! Click here to get all the details!
Displaced Southern Families in Jerusalem - There are several groups that are organizing and coordinating the needs of these families. Many of them made it to the old city with just the clothes on their backs. Some are staying in hotels, others in apartments that were empty. Many children are not in school and parents may not have a job for income. We are in touch with these coordinating groups. If you would like to get involved in helping these families specifically, please email us at or call 516-807-2955.
We are working on several projects to help those in Israel - Get involved today!
Sending clothing and tzitzis to Chayalim - Thank you for helping us reach our goal! We were able to hand out many boxes of these goods, and the Chayalim have been very grateful. Thankfully, we personally had the opportunity to be involved in giving out these items on October 11th due to very generous donations for over $5,000 from our community, family and friends!
Mission Motorola - Rabbi Tannenbaum was contacted by a Major in the army that informed him of his unit’s missing supplies. Among those items were Walkie-Talkie radios. What may seem like basic gear is lacking in some units due to the huge number of soldiers involved. While we know the governments are doing their best to keep our Chayalim safe, they are still waiting to get some of the things they need. This mission is to raise $25,000 in order purchase 40 high-tech prgrammed radios.
UPDATE: Thank you to all of those that have been sharing the word and supporting this project! We were B”H successful, and were able to send these radios to the units needing them on November 3rd.
Helmets for Soldiers Heading to Gaza - A donor from one of our projects reached out about their son that made aliyah, and is currently serving in the Israeli army. With the rapid increase in chayalim, unfortunately some were not given certain gear. Their son and his platoon were in need of protective helmets. Thank you for your generous donations totalling over $20,000 in order to buy and send this important equipment.
Have an idea or request? Please reach out!